STAT 253/317: Syllabus
Cong Ma, University of Chicago, Winter 2024
A tentative one:
Week 1
Jan 4th: Lec 1 on Markov chains and C-K equations
Week 2
Jan 9th: Lec 2 on classification of states, recurrence, and transience
Jan 11th: Lec 3 on stationary distribution, limiting distribution, periodicity
Week 3
Jan 16th: Lec 4 on positive recurrence and limit theorems
Jan 18th: Lec 5 on reversible Markov chain
Week 4
Jan 23rd: Lec 6 on first step analysis
Jan 25th: Lec 7 on generating functions and branching process
Week 5
Jan. 30th: Midterm I
Feb. 1st: Lec 8 on exponential distribution and Poisson process
Week 6
Feb. 6th: Lec 9 on thinning and superposition
Feb. 8th: Lec 10 on continuous-time Markov chains
Week 7
Feb. 13th: Lec 11 on limiting probabilities
Feb. 15th: Midterm II
Week 8
Feb. 20th: Lec 12 on renewal processes and limit theorems
Feb. 22nd: Lec 13 on reward renewal processes and alternating renewal processes
Week 9
Feb. 27th:
Feb. 29th: