STAT 37710: Syllabus

Cong Ma, University of Chicago, Autumn 2022

A tentative one:

  1. Week 1: The statistical learning framework, bias-variance tradeoffs

  2. Week 2: Point estimation (MOME, MLE, MAP)

  3. Week 3: Model complexity

  4. Week 4: Classification (logistic regression; Naive Bayes, LDA)

  5. Week 5: Ensemble methods (bagging, random forests, boosting)

  6. Week 6: Graphical models (mixtures of Gaussians, graphical models)

  7. Week 7: Multi-layer perceptrons and neural networks

  8. Week 8: Nonparametric models (Kernel ridge regression, Gaussian processes)

  9. Week 9: Support vector machines; active learning