STAT 37797: Course Information

Cong Ma, University of Chicago, Autumn 2021


  • Cong Ma, Jones 313

  • Office hours: 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm on Tuesday or by appointment


  • Time: Tue, Thu 3:30 PM - 4:50 PM

  • Location: Kent Chem Lab 101



  • Homeworks: There will be a few homework assignments that involve both theory and programming components. You are encouraged to use LaTeX to typeset your homeworks.

  • Final project: See the description here.

  • Your grade: max{ 0.4*Homework + 0.6* Project, Project }

Course Policies

  • Prerequisites: Students should have backgrounds in basic linear algebra and in basic probability (measure-theoretic probability is not needed), as well as knowledge of a programming language like MATLAB, Python, or Julia to conduct simple simulation exercises. While no specific background in optimization is required, a course such as STAT 28000 (Optimization) would be beneficial.

  • Collaboration: We encourage you to work on homework problems in study groups. However, you must write up and submit your own solutions and code without reading or copying the solutions of other students or from other online resources.